Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today's Assignment 11/1/11

Today's Assignment takes its inspiration from today's date. It's another one of those deceptively easy ones - just sit for one minute, and write down eleven things you like about yourself.

That should be easy, right?

If you get stuck, and some of you will, think about what a miracle it is to just be able to read, or to walk, or even to breathe. Stop to consider how amazing it is that we can love each other, or drive a car, or knit or sew or draw.

This exercise is meant to remind you that, even though we all have things we'd like to change, our everyday existence is made possible by US. Take a minute, write down some appreciation for yourself, and then live the rest of your day in gratitude for YOU.

Eleven things. That shouldn't take long at all!

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